studiranjem kod nas.
je kroz naš institut prolazilo tijekom cijelog našeg djelovanja.
su zahvaljujući postgradualnom studiju poboljšalo svoj status u karijeri.
čine nacionalnosti iz cijelog svijeta.
European Institute of Finance & Management
Naš cilj je cjeloživotno obrazovanje. Ovdje smo da razvijamo naše studente i pružamo im aktualne informacije, vještine i znanja, zahvaljujući kojim će ostvariti svoje ciljeve i ambicije u svome osobnom životu i karijernom razvoju.
O Institutu
Studirajte na jednom od najboljih poslovnih instituta koji pruža online obrazovanje na svijetu.
European Institute of Finance & Management prestižna je obrazovna institucija na nacionalnoj i međunarodnoj razini, osnovana s ciljem da razvija svoje studente i pruža obrazovanje koje će im otvoriti vrata u svijet poslovanja i omogućiti im prelazak na mnogo višu razinu u karijeri.
godina na tržištu
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Amsterdam (HQ)
Odaberite svoj studijski program
European Institute of Finance & Management je globalni i međunarodni poslovni institut, usmjeren za obuku rukovoditelja tvrtki i stručnjaka u području poslovanja.
Postgradualni program, koji pruža napredna opća znanja iz menadžmenta i poslovanja.
Program usmjeren na teške računovodstvene vještine vezane uz poslovne aktivnosti.
Studij koji je prilagođen trendovima međunarodne trgovine i uči vas tehnikama poslovnog okruženja koje se brzo mijenja.
Važna doktorska titula koja predstavlja najvišu stručnu kvalifikaciju u području obrazovanja menadžmenta.
Prestižna diploma koja rukovoditeljima i menadžerima pruža vrhunske alate i vještine za uspješno upravljanje organizacijama.
Studijsku tečajevi poslovnog menadžmenta koji pomažu profesionalnom razvoju rukovodilaca i menadžera.
Što apsolventi kažu o studiju
Reference apsolvenata:
"By studying at EIFM I have expanded my education and management practice by practical and theoretical education in all areas of management, I can only recommend the study."
David Martín
MBA Studij
"I was very satisfied with my studies. During the course of my studies, I gained additional insight into many things thanks to the experience of the lecturers. The approach of the lecturers was very professional and I rate the whole study very positively."
Daniel Britsch
MAcc Studij
"I was thrilled that I got the opportunity to study at EIFM. Thanks to studying at EIFM I improved my management skills, which helped me in my professional career. I apply the knowledge I gained from my studies to my work every day."
Vincent Bles
MiM Studij
"The study has been very beneficial in many different fields. I perceived my own management experience as a great advantage, thanks to the practitioners and the perspective with an international overlap. The lecturers of each course and their expertise have broadened my outlook greatly."
Tina Lehmann
MAcc Studij
"The study allowed me to expand my theoretical knowledge and enrich my practical experience in a fundamental way. I see the relevance of the teaching and the connection between lecturers and experts not only from academia but also from practice as very important."
Jessica Fengler
DBA Studij
Članci i događaji
Overview of the most in-demand skills for MBA graduates in the labor market
MBA graduates are highly sought after by employers due to their well-rounded business knowledge, analytical skills, and leadership potential.
How to choose the right MBA program
Choosing the right MBA program is a crucial decision that can significantly impact your career trajectory and personal growth.
Work-life balance during the MBA
Pursuing an MBA is a significant career move that requires dedication, hard work, and a substantial time commitment.
How to succeed in an MBA postgraduate program
Enrolling in a Master of Business Administration (MBA) program is an excellent opportunity to expand your knowledge of the business world and gain management skills…
How to calculate the return on investment in an MBA degree
The return on investment of an MBA is a much debated topic among MBA graduates and applicants. People go into an MBA program with such…
5 general tips on how to excel in an MBA program
An MBA is often described as the best stepping stone to a career in business, finance or management.